Like all of you, we’re settling into the second week of a new reality that we know will continue for at least another couple of months. If not longer. Our hearts are with all of our fellow small business owners, our friends in hospitality, travel, events and so many other industries who’ve been absolutely devastated by this and for whom the road to recovery will be a long one.
We’ve already lost people we know to this virus and we know others fighting for their lives right now.
We’re doing our part, staying home, and taking this quarantine seriously for the greater good.
Needless to say, all of our Spring events have been canceled. We’re disappointed, but we can live with that if it means saving some lives and taking the pressure off of our health care pros on the front line in the process. The Summer and Fall/Holiday seasons remain to be seen as we and our partners take things one day at a time. Know that when we know, we’ll let all of you know. And know that we won’t be back until we’re absolutely confident it’s safe for all involved to do so.
There’s not a lot we can control right now, but we’re doing what we can — some real self care, planting gardens for the weeks ahead, cooking, moving, breathing, creating and thinking about what kind of future we want to make. We’re also lending a hand however we can, from helping some of our hospitality friends stay afloat by offering our services, supporting our foothill town with an emergency comms network, to checking in on neighbors. Some days we’re just a puddle of grief mourning a “normal” we know is gone forever and we know that’s ok too.
For now, we process, we grieve, and we imagine what things may look like on the other side. The one thing we’re sure of is that we won’t just be going back to business as usual when this is over. We’re collectively living through a global paradigm shift and nothing will ever be the same.
As for what’s NOW, keep an eye out for a series of newsletters featuring our many makers with products and services right for this strange and surreal time. Not on our mailing list? Now’s a great time to fix that.
If you have something we should know about and share, reach out. Send us an email, a DM or a smoke signal. Even if you just want to say hi, or want to talk, reach out. We’re here. And we’re not going anywhere.
Stay home. Stay safe. We’ll see you on the other side.
Mural titled “Stay Safe” by artist Pony Wave in Venice